• Refresher oil 15 ml

Sandalwood & Coconut Blossom
Refresher oil 15 ml

  • Faithful restoration of the perfume
  • Multi-purpose (diffusers, incense burner)
  • Immediate scented atmosphere
  • A fruity floral perfume perfume
  • Recyclable glass bottle
  • Bottle 15 ml

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Sandalwood & Coconut Blossom

-Delicate and Fresh


The contemporary world Elessens marries purity of lines and games of transparency.


Its dense and airy fragrances bring a new relief, to live the interior fragrance as a new a source of elegance, a new pleasure for the senses at home.


Sandalwood & Coconut Blossom is the unique blend of delicate and fresh coconut blossom, with velvety notes of sandalwood and white musk.


How to use

My refresher oil
  • On your Estéban ceramics: Pour a few drops directly on your ceramic to revive the scent of it.

  • In your perfume mist diffuser: Pour a few drops mixed with water into your diffuser, turn it on to enjoy your favorite fragrance.

+Regulatory information
Contains 3,7-dimethyl-1,6-nonadien-3-ol, benzyl salicylate, 4-tert-butylcyclohexyl acetate, acetate de linalyle, 3,7-dimethyl-1,6-nonadien-3-yl acetate, alpha,alphadimethyl-p-ethylphenylpropanal, limonenes, may cause an allergic skin reaction. Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects. Code UFI : PRF0-T0E6-100R-XC3D
Esteban SA
ZAC Descartes – rue du perpignan
[email protected]

A fruity floral


Sandalwood & Coconut Blossom is the unique blend of delicate and fresh coconut blossom, with velvety notes of sandalwood and white musk.

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Sandalwood & Coconut Blossom
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Sandalwood & Coconut Blossom
Refresher oil 15 ml
SKU : ESF-008
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